Thursday, November 13, 2008

Video of Bailee Elizabeth Lindley Playing

Class Picture - 1909

Robinson Springs School - ~1909
In Comanche County, about 10 miles North of DeLeon

First Row: Donald Smith, Shorty Logsdon, Arnold Middleton, Buford Smith, William Logsdon, Hiram Hooper, Cecil Lindley, Joe Holmes, Maynard Clark.

Second Row: Prof. O.H. Moore, Ina Lee Knowles, Beulah Logsdon, Rosa Stewart, Geneva Middleton, Hope Stegall, Odell Stegall, Lillian Biffle, Ora Holmes, Gracie Barker, Islda Elrod, Linnie Lowery, Loraine Ford.

Third Row: Tommie Ford, Leona Hooper, Nora Barker, Fannie Smith, Lattie Forrest, Lola Smith, Cora Lowery, Desa Smith, Furman Ford, Fitch Stewart.

Fourth Row: M.L. Middleton, Gracie Ford, Nora Clark, Mary Holmes, Lonnie Logsdon, Della Ford, Clara Forrest, Effie Hooper, Mary Lizzie Knowles.

Fifth Row: Earl Lowery, Edgar Ford, Luther Lindley, Neal Greer, Tom Clark, Arthur Vinson, William Stewart, Tom Forrest, Charlie Lindley, Earl Lowery.

I believe that Jeri sent this to me.
Notice the names Lowery, Forrest,and Clark!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Phillips 25th Anniversary as a Priest

Mike forwarded along this message, and wanted to share it with everyone:

Dear Britt,

Please upload the attached pictures to the family blog!!!!

Thank you,

All the best, mike

Ps---these pictures were taken on sunday oct 20,2008 at phillip's 25th anniversary of being a priest (there is still hope for us britt) in optima, oklahoma!!!! Denise (my sister) took mom and dad up there to see uncle ben (he is very sick with cancer) before he got to bad and would not remember them!!!

Phillip's Cake

Phillip and Denise

Carl and Ben